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GWU Graduation
Many friends and family already know that I completed my Master's Degree in Paralegal Studies back in December. After some encouragement from Jared, I took the opportunity to go home and participate in commencement exercises on May 15th and 16th, and visit with family and friends in the Northern Virginia area. Michelle Obama was the key note speaker for GWU's graduation on the National Mall.

Several of my colleagues and I were inducted into Lambda Epsilon Chi, the National Paralegal Honor Society, for graduating in the top 10% of our class and with a 3.9 0r higher (I had a 4.0!). The hard work paid off--I was provided a special honor chord to wear during graduation, and a framed accomplishment certificate along with a lapel pin. :)

It was nice to put faces with names and meet several of my online classmates in person, including my girlfriend Lina, who was kind enough to let me borrow two extra graduation tickets for my rather large immediate family. It turns out that she lives in Virginia Beach, and her daughter goes to high school with my sister, at my old alma mater, Princess Anne. Small world.

During my trip to VA, I was also able to meet my new nephew, Micah Conner Bussey, for the first time. He is a cutie! Poor baby has a hernia and is scheduled for surgery on June 7th; I am sure it will make him feel better, and help him to be less fussy for my sister. He sure does look like a "Bussey" here.
It feels great to be DONE with least for a little while!
Congratulations, you go girl!
I thought that I had left a comment here! blogspot gives me trouble sometimes. Anyway, Congratulations again Adrianne! You are amazing in all that you do. Oh and nice work on that food storage! Slowly getting ours started now that we have a home. It's tough, so good job!
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