
Didn't Expect This

Last Monday afternoon, emails were furiously being launched all over the Army base regarding "Winter Storm Warning" protocol due to an impendig snowstorm predicted to hit during the early morning hours of Tuesday morning. We rolled our eyes about the mass volumes of emails and went about our day secretly wishing we lived somewhere cold (not the desert) so we could reap the benefits of a snow day. Falling asleep with the wind howling outside our windows, at 5:00 a.m., we woke up to silence:

P.S. Believe it or not, we had a two-hour delay to work--Fort Huachuca is at the bottom of the Huachuca mountains, which had more snow than us city folk. Yippee!


MeleFamily said...

I love the morning after snow fall everything seems so calm.

Jason, Liz, and Troy said...

It's neat to get a dusting of snow every once in a while. It lends a whole new feeling to the outdoors. Of course, we have snow up to our eyeballs where we live, but I still like it in small doses...before Christmas.

Melanie said...

Wow! That's cool but I'm glad it doesn't snow here. In a perfect world it would only snow on Christmas Day.

Living in oblivion said...

How pretty! I soo remember the random snow fall! Loved it!

Kas said...

Wow. That's pretty unbelievable in AZ! I am so ready for spring here!

I tagged you on one of my posts.. check my blog!

Jill said...

After all that time in subtropical Okinawa, you deserved a little snow!