
Chinese Botanical Gardens

Last weekend, along with the Gibbs and the Mierjewskis, we made it to the Chinese Botanical Gardens in Naha.
Unfortunately, we were 6 minutes too late to make it into the gardens for the last viewing.
(I swear, half the battle of site-seeing in Okinawa is actually finding the place you are looking for; the other half is showing up to the place before it closes!!)

Here are some pics of what we could view from the front gate:

The salt outside of one's home or business place is supposed to protect guests and ward off evil:

There was a pretty little park across the street.

Ron was getting his "work-out on"!

Carolyn has a way of finding all sorts of Okinawan stray cats. Secretly, I wanted to tease her by calling her "Elmira." (I am affectionately known as the neighborhood "stray cat lady" myself!)

Our MAIN purpose in getting together was to eat at the Naha Harbor Diner. Many of you may know it as the big Banyan tree on the left-hand side of 58 on your way to Naha airport. The food is pricey and NOT very good, but, alas, the view was wonderful. And to be among good friends...that is always the best.

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