
General Petraeus' Challenge Coin

Ever seen a 5-Star's challenge coin? Want to see THREE? That is how many times Jared was able to personally meet the General and
assist the General and his Communications Team.
Way to go Jared!
*top two and bottom left--the bottom right coin is from another unit*

Rest In Peace

Jared has had these USMC boots for 6 and a half years; they are his first pair.
A duty day never went by without Jared praising them for their comfort.
In an effort to delay the inevitable, he even had them cleaned up, re-soled and re-laced, two years ago, using THIS SERVICE. So, naturally, he was dreading this day...They finally kicked the can.


Pinnacle Peak

My Uncle Jon serves in the USAF and is here in Tucson for work for the next few weeks. He invited us to join him for dinner up in the "big city" and we stumbled across the Pinnacle Peak Saloon and Steak House. They have a clever little (*free) show that runs at 7 and 8 on weekend nights (action/comedy) and the food is delicious and inexpensive--watch out...they will cut your tie off if you have dressed up too purty!
As you can see from the below shots, we couldn't resist the photo ops.


Safe and Sound

Jared is home!

No good pictures...here is why:
The "departing" picture was taken with a camera that got stolen while Jared was in transit--only the second day of his trip. As a matter of fact, an entire bag of Jared's personal items were stolen at Kandahar Airport--thank you insurance. At any rate, he had not yet uploaded the single farewell picture on to his computer or emailed it to me. But oh, wait, that wouldn't have mattered, anyway, because his personal laptop was stolen, too! Grrr...at least it was password protected. Hopefully it made it hard to break in and use it right away!
The "homecoming" pictures (though there were many taken in the airport terminal) are all blurry! Immediate family members of returning service members are allowed to get an "escort" pass, and as long as they go through security, can greet their loved ones right at the gate. It was such a treat to be able to do that. Haha...I picked the wrong person to ask to take photos!
Pictures don't matter anyway; he is home safe and sound. Both Jared and I are very thankful for his safe return.