In this story, the mischievous Cat decides to take a bath while eating a piece of cake. This results in a mysterious pink ring around Sally's tub after the water from the bath is drained. As a little girl, while reading this book with my mom, my head would swirl with questions. What flavor was the pink cake? Why did the Cat use Mom's White Dress and Dad's Shoes to wipe the ring up when simple soap and a wash cloth could have done it? Did all those little cats really fit into Cat's hat? How did they get the pink out of the snow when you can't even do that with yellow dog pee?
At any rate, I know how you can get your very own pink ring in the tub without having to eat cake in the tub first. You simply need to own a semi-feral cat named Roxy (who rolls around in the clay-like dirt of Sierra Vista at every chance), and give her a bath. Voila!
(a glimpse of her recent bath water)